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Hours of operation: 7am-6pm (M-F)

The goal of God's Little Lambs is to provide a warm, loving, nuturing environment. This fosters creativity, cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual development.

"For I know the plans I have for you...plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.                                                   
Jer 29:11
​Tuition Fees


One year olds: $210 per week

Two year olds: $200 per week

Three- Five year olds: $178-$195 per week

VPK - Before and aftercare- $85 per week

Afterschool K-5th grade: $75.00 per week

VPK: 9 am until noon -FREE

Registration Fee: $50.00

Tee Shirts (optional): $12.00 each


To learn about classroom availability, call us at 954-779-3185

We accept School Readiness and VPK funding.


​To Apply for Sliding Scale Tuition:

  • Apply in person Monday- Friday between the hours of 9am - 5pm

  • Bring one month of recent pay stubs for each member of the household, as well as, a copy of your last filed taxes.

  • We require that all the adults in the home be employed, seeking employment, attend school, or do a combination of both for a minimum of 30 hours per week.

  • Place your name of the School Readiness subsidized waitlist:

Your Child Will Need:


  • An immunization and physical (forms 680 and 340)

  • A change of clothing to be kept at school

  • A small blanket for naptime

Proverbs 22:6 "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."


God's Little Lambs utilizes a Christ- centered curriculum.

Children participate in daily devotions, bible stories, and weekly chapel.

We believe that a child's work is play. With this in mind, we use a developmentally appropriate teaching style in which children explore and experiment, using a variety of materials and hands- on activities.


Daily schedules include:

language, math, discovery, art, stories, music, dramatic play, blocks, & puzzles as children learn to master new skills.


As children discover how God has made them unique and special, their self-esteem and confidence will blossom!

Discipline Policy

At God's Little Lambs, we practive preventative discipline. Children who are busy enjoying themselves are less apt to have behavior problems.


Classroom rules are consistent, clearly defined, and are frequently reviewed. We emphasize basic biblical principles of love and respect.


When  a problem arises, it is handled in a loving manner by the classroom teacher. Occassionally, it will be necessary to have a conference with the parent.

Each child must have a current physical and immunization record on file when they enroll.



              Forms: 680 and 3040

Health Records
VPK Program

Begins Monday, August 15th and runs until Thursday, June 4th 2019. The free hours are 9-12. Extended daycare is available.

Dress Code

The dress code for children are school uniforms that can be purchased from any clothing store. Bottoms are black, navy blue or kaki. Tops are gold, royal blue, red, Kelly green, purple or white. There are also school tee shirts available for $10 each. Sneakers or closed toe shoes should be worn.

Matthew 19:14 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."


© 2015 Gods Little Lambs

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